
The first digital, intelligent and individualized service to improve the health and well-being of your agents and employees

How does it work?

Your employees do the test at your company

Training sessions with or without equipment to be done in autonomy

The results are analyzed by our system

The results are analyzed by our system

Following your results, an individualized training program is generated.

Un CRM pour

  • Gérer les inscrits
  • Créer les tests
  • Gérer des profils expérimentateurs
  • Tutoriel vidéos

Une application sur tablette pour

  • Effectuer les tests en toute simplicité
  • Se déplacer facilement sur l’ensemble des outils de mesure

Une application mobile

  • Suivre un entraînement individualisé
  • Des séances sans matériel ou avec matériel … au choix.
  • Obtenir les résultats de ses tests
  • Suivre l’évolution de son entraînement

How does it work?

Your employees do the test at your company

The results are analyzed by our system

Upon receiving your results, a personalized training program is generated

Training sessions are done individually with or without equipment

Un CRM pour

  • Gérer les inscrits
  • Créer les tests
  • Gérer des profils expérimentateurs
  • Tutoriel vidéos

Une application sur tablette pour

  • Effectuer les tests en toute simplicité
  • Se déplacer facilement sur l’ensemble des outils de mesure

Une application mobile

  • Suivre un entraînement individualisé
  • Des séances sans matériel ou avec matériel … au choix.
  • Obtenir les résultats de ses tests
  • Suivre l’évolution de son entraînement

Video presentation


Our software

Administration – Test creation – Experimental profile management – Video tutorials

A simple and intuitive interface

A complete set of tests

Employee management that meets GDPR requirements

Our tablet application

Perform tests with ease - Simple cross-platform transitioning

*work in progress

An easy-to-use tablet for quick data integration

Employee management

Visualization of results

Our mobile application

Individualized training - Sessions with or without equipment... of your choice - Test results - Follow-up of training progress

A simple application, accessible to all

Training by profile, adapted to test results

Sessions with or without equipment

Scientifically proven*

The HumanFab WorkCare solution is scientifically validated by the HumanFab® laboratory.

More than 100 000 data in order to define the most relevant process in the prevention of employee health. In order to provide a solution accessible to all, the concept is based on human expertise and digital support. This concept allows to perfectly customize the programs for each employee.

Guaranteed results after 3 months of training at a frequency of 25 minutes per session, 3x /week:




de force de gainage





*Scientific study conducted by HumanFab on container ships

Le Principe

Improve the well-being of your employees and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) with intelligent personalized digital coaching.

HumanFab WorkCare, est un programme digital intelligent composé d’un logiciel pour réaliser des bilans afin d’obtenir MSD risk indexes and sedentary lifestyle. Ce service est complété par une « smart app » permettant de créer un programme d’entrainement préventif personnalisé pour chacun de vos salariés.  

The program adapts in real time to your current state of fitness and is built according to the results of the initial assessment. Our in-house developed artificial intelligence engine is based on data collected in HumanFab's sports medicine centers since 10 years.

Support is specific to the particularities of each business!

The physical constraints faced by your employees depend on their workstations, which is why our prevention programs are adapted.

It’s a turnkey program.  

We ensure the implementation of the project from A to Z, which includes:

  • Physical quality assessment room layout
  • The provision of a software
  • Access to our mobile app to download from stores
  • Optional: Fitness training room layout
The benefits of corporate sport =
+ 9% productivity
30% of work stoppages are caused by MSD


The employee’s health is at the center of the concerns of CSR and CSE under the new legal obligations of the 2019 pact. Physical fatigue, psychological fatigue, the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are causes of work discomfort, risk of injury or absenteeism. HumanFab WorkCare offers companies the possibility to set up a service accessible to all, on the company’s site, non-binding and corresponding to the profiles of everyone.


“60% of employees reported being disabled by back pain, and 30% of work stoppages are related to “musculoskeletal” disorders."

The awareness of your employees to be in good health allows to act on the reduction of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD), Psychosocial Risks (PSR) and Occupational Accidents (AT).

A tailor-made concept that adapts to individual problems and adapts to each sector of activity... This makes it possible to effectively improve the quality of life at work.

The development of teleworking has also increased physical inactivity, increasing the risk of developing severe diseases with work stoppages of several months

Avec HumanFab WorkCare, dotez votre entreprise d’un programme préventif permettant d’améliorer la santé et le bien être des salariés à l’aide d’un entraînement personnalisé qui s’adapte intelligemment à leur besoin en fonction de leur état de forme.

The benefits of corporate sport =
40% reduction in accidents at work

87% of recognized occupational diseases are MSDs

Gestion matériel et logiciel par nos soin


Une installation sur site rapide et sécurisée


Une solution intégrale : matériel + solution digitale

Une méthode unique basée sur des tests scientifiques


Un entraînement adapté


Une tarification tout en un

Our advantages, a simple service accessible to all


Laboratory installation

An evaluation room in a minimum space of 12m². Option: lay out of a training room (minimum space of 40m²)


Referral training

Training in tools, software, and test procedures for total autonomy.


Employee evaluation

A 30 min protocol for mapping physical qualities, strengths and areas for improvement.


Programme d’entraînement personnalisé 

Individual and progressive training based on your test results


New assessments

Assess your progress a few months after your workout to readjust your goals


New training program

New exercises, to meet new objectives ... The well-being in line of sight.

Un CRM pour

  • Gérer les inscrits
  • Créer les tests
  • Gérer des profils expérimentateurs
  • Tutoriel vidéos

Une application sur tablette pour

  • Effectuer les tests en toute simplicité
  • Se déplacer facilement sur l’ensemble des outils de mesure

Une application mobile

  • Suivre un entraînement individualisé
  • Des séances sans matériel ou avec matériel … au choix.
  • Obtenir les résultats de ses tests
  • Suivre l’évolution de son entraînement


A high-performance and secure system for all our customer data

General Data Protection Regulation

Our clients

Contact us

We are at your disposal for all requests for
demonstration and additional information